Monday 19 October 2009

Day 3

As expected this was a long day. 11 hours on the bike. I had to wait an hour for my first fall then 3 came along at once.! We managed 3 river crossings and some steep climbs. The scenery is great and the villages turn out to cheer us on. The children gaze at us when we stop for a break and like to climb onto the bikes and see images of themselves on our cameras. We arrived back in darknes and in the rain giving us little hope for a dry day tomorrow.
An early night again today as as I can't keep my eyes open and we have another full day ahead of us to Port st Johns. Expecting loads of aches tomorrow.

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1 comment:

  1. Yikes Hector...3 falls...anything broken. That 10 hours in economy may have toughened you even more:-)


