Saturday 17 October 2009

Day 1 & 2

Departed Heathrow at 7 pm and arrived at J berg 10 hours later. 10 hours in economy got me out of my comfort zone. 3 hour wait then a short hop to Durban followed by a 2 hour coach ride to Port Edward where we are staying at the TO Strand. Straight to our rooms to change into our kit for a quick ride on our trusty Honda to sort out groups. I am in the green group which is 4th out of 6 groups. We had a good team dinner and talks from reps from all 4 charities we are supporting, followed by a briefing on the next days ride. We have been well looked after and beginning to get to know each other. Tomorrow looks like a tough day. On the road at 7 with 200km to cover to Mbotyi.. The day will be v tough if it continues to rain as the forecast predicts. Early night for me to prepare for another big day......can't wait.
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