Thursday 22 October 2009

Day 7

Rest day today so hopefully little chance of injury (all the practice I have put into this will help here).
Staying right on the Indian Ocean and awoke to a cloudy! rainy windy day.
The morning was spent at a Touch Africa project.
At a chosen school nearby 80 of us went along to help. It was amazing what could be done by so many in 4 hours. The whole outside of the school was painted twice (as we put a primer on before the final coat of yellow was applied). Honda had donated two power generators so the electricians here wired the building up with power and light. Electricity will transform the school and its ability to educate. A corrugated roof was completed, old  desks refurbished and a nursery room painted and equipped with small  tables chairs and toys! Finally a swing and climbing frame was erected. The scramble for a go on the swing was great (from the kids that is not the riders).
By improving the fabric of the school it will not only help those here to stay (drop out rates are huge) but will encourage many more to attend (this has been seen at the other schools refurbished).
Touch Africa told the community that they will be back in January and if the equipment has been looked after and attendance numbers are up they will provide a net ball court and football pitch. I missed my chance to kit them out in cafc colours as one of the riders here donated many sets of soccer kits that the boys went wild for.

Another great day.

As usual a challenging day back on the bikes tomorrow with slow progress expected. As always hoping for dry weather to help us safely on our journey.

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