Monday 24 August 2009

Ride for Life - Enduro Africa 2009


On October 16th 2009, for two weeks, I will join a team riding "off road" through South Africa.

The journey takes us from Durban to Port Elizabeth.

The ride will be challenging the opportunity life changing.
The Enduro Africa Ride for Life asks each rider to raise funds for the following charities in the region.

UNICEF: to ensure that pregnant women with HIV receive the right medicine and care to prevent them passing HIV onto their baby. Given the right medicine and care, the chance that a mother with HIV will pass the virus to her baby drops to less than 1 in 50.

Sentebale: a new charity with a mission to transform the lives of Lesotho's orphans and vulnerable children. The name Sentebale means “forget me not” which is also the charity’s call to action.

The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund: works with disabled children, their families and communities to encourage their equal treatment, particularly with a view to them attending mainstream school and so having the same opportunities as non-disabled children. Developing leadership potential and skills amongst young people is another key aim of NMCF.

Touch Africa specifically targets the health and education sectors, with particular reference to rehabilitation of schools, clinics and crèches, the provision of basic education equipment, rehabilitation of community halls and the provision of school transport and technology. The requests from the rural villages are simple, they usually ask for clean toilets, gym equipment, sporting equipment, a soccer pitch, a fresh coat of paint and a happy place to learn.

It is with your contribution, that we are able to make these dreams become reality.

Every penny raised will be split evenly between the 4 charities above and any contribuition however small is greatly appreciated.

Please either donate using the paypal button above (remenber to update the total when donating and to enter a password) or feel free to pledge any amount with me directly.

Many many thanks


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