Monday 26 October 2009

Day 10

Last day today.
We rode 200km today to get to our final destination of Port Elizabeth. On route we stopped at a nature reserved swapped bikes for jeeps and spent 90 minutes on a very mini safari.
We then regrouped and all teams rode together into PE. The final part of this leg involved a trip to a local enduro bike club where we rode one last route through sand and bumps. Only the best riders could push through this at speed for most progress was slow. However I made it through to the end without a fall. We then handed the bikes back (big sigh of relief) and we all got together in the evening for a leaving party.

Everything about the event was awesome although I am pleased to be going home in one piece.

As for next year Enduro Himalaya ......probably Enduro Golf..

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Saturday 24 October 2009

Day 9

Nearly there!
We had a lot of ground to cover today so no really technical riding but fast and furious was the theme today (both going against my usual riding style).
I had no falls for the first time today although a few gravel corners almost tripped me up! One of our group had a big spill late in the day on a fast gravel section. Thankfully he is ok although having worn a headcam for most of the week he had this swtiched off at the time of his fall so cannot relive the moment when home.
Tomorrow (final day) should be good as we have a visit scheduled  to a game reserve (where we leave the bikes for land rovers) a final procession into PE and a party in the evening..

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Friday 23 October 2009

Day 8

Kob Inn to Morgans Bay. 90km all rock, pot holes, jungle and sand. Weather was kind which helped. Physically demanding as there was no rest time (until we got a puncture) Although avoiding dehydration was difficult as my camlebak and spare water supply were empty by 3 and we did not complete the ride till 5. Wednesdays injury is confirmed as a broken wrist which is being operated on tonight so we wish Frank a speedy recovery.
Rode past a shipwreck and then onto a barge over the Kei River. This crossing marks the end of the Wild Coast into more developed areas.
Tomorrow we have 300km to cover so less technical off roading and more speed needed to make up time. Tomorrow for the first time this week we are stopping for lunch. Up untill now we have been to remote to stop so we have carried lunch each day (packet of crisps, tracker bar and a water)..

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Thursday 22 October 2009

Day 7

Rest day today so hopefully little chance of injury (all the practice I have put into this will help here).
Staying right on the Indian Ocean and awoke to a cloudy! rainy windy day.
The morning was spent at a Touch Africa project.
At a chosen school nearby 80 of us went along to help. It was amazing what could be done by so many in 4 hours. The whole outside of the school was painted twice (as we put a primer on before the final coat of yellow was applied). Honda had donated two power generators so the electricians here wired the building up with power and light. Electricity will transform the school and its ability to educate. A corrugated roof was completed, old  desks refurbished and a nursery room painted and equipped with small  tables chairs and toys! Finally a swing and climbing frame was erected. The scramble for a go on the swing was great (from the kids that is not the riders).
By improving the fabric of the school it will not only help those here to stay (drop out rates are huge) but will encourage many more to attend (this has been seen at the other schools refurbished).
Touch Africa told the community that they will be back in January and if the equipment has been looked after and attendance numbers are up they will provide a net ball court and football pitch. I missed my chance to kit them out in cafc colours as one of the riders here donated many sets of soccer kits that the boys went wild for.

Another great day.

As usual a challenging day back on the bikes tomorrow with slow progress expected. As always hoping for dry weather to help us safely on our journey.

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Day 6

Toughest riding day yet.
Headed in sunshine from the Hole in the Wall south another 140km to Kob Inn, had a thigh deep river crossing at the Jujura River, a steep 1000ft descent into the Quora Gorge and a very steep incline over a road of tyres just to finish us off. Highlight (apart from reacing the end in one piece) was a stunning view from Shixini point.
First serious fall in green team today (I had my usual share of low speed falls) hopefully Frank will be ok to continue. However its a reminder to us all to keep concentrating till we are home and parked up.
Tomorrow is a rest day, which is much needed. 

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Tuesday 20 October 2009

Day 5

Tough day but good.
Fast pace with a few technical sections. Survived the day but unfortunately there are now a number of injuries (not in the green group) that will prevent some riders from continuing the ride. 10% fall out rate is normal.
Today the sun shone and we rode south down the coast another 135k to the hole in the Wall. Had several tumbles but nothing serious. Had another fall during a river crossing the my chain came off mid stream but our team leader was able to make the repair.
Early night for me as tomorrow is the toughest ride so far, followed by a rest day;)
Let's hope the sun shines.

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Monday 19 October 2009

Day 4

An easier day than yesterday (for some) eventually arriving at Cremorne in Port St Johns. Just about everything aches after yesterday so no complaints from me for a day of paths and tracks and no river crossings. The sun shone and the scenery was stunning  (green valleys as far as the eye could see). Many villages again cheered us on as did schoolchildren in neatly turned out uniforms.
Tomorrorw is south 135km to Hole in the wall and more technical sections with river crossings.
Must drop a note to the instructors and strongest riders who chose an unrideable ride for this morning. The covered. 30k in 6 hours having to carry the bikes for much of the time......I know my limits. 

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